Search for tag: "assessment"

T2G Postgrad CoSE assessment & feedback

From  Clare Brown 0 likes 57 plays

T2G Postgrad MVLS Assessment & Feedback

From  Clare Brown 0 likes 146 plays

T2G Postgrad CoAH Assessment & Feedback

From  Clare Brown 0 likes 72 plays

T2G Postgrad CoSS Assessment & Feedback

From  Clare Brown 1 likes 199 plays

Introduction to Advanced Predictive Models - Welcome Video (week 0)

From  Colette Mair 0 likes 51 plays 0  

What does REF tell us that we didn't know already?

Recorded on 25th October 2023 during the Full Time Staff Writing Retreat at Ross Priory.

From  William Farquharson 0 likes 21 plays

Safeguarding Assessments Against Generative AI

From  Amanda Losonsky 0 likes 67 plays 0  

3.2 Creating an Anti-Racist Module: What do Students Want and How do we Co-Create in an Inclusive and Equitable Way? By Amrit Dencer- Brown, Mark Huxham, Hock Tan, Emily Alder

The new module interdisciplinary module Achieving Sustainability (ENV08109) was offered across the University to undergraduates in 2022. Prior to the module running, a research project was designed,…

From  Colette Mair 0 likes 6 plays 0  

2.1 Providing Students with Targeted Help and Support by Sam Grierson

Beginning to decolonise teaching practices can be daunting, and starting with assessments is an accessible entry point that can have an immediate impact for students and the delivery of the taught…

From  Colette Mair 0 likes 8 plays 0  

ePortfolios using Mahara

Learn how to integrate ePortfolio activities using Mahara.

From  Mark Boyle 0 likes 84 plays 0  

Generic Moodle Course Design

Learn good practices when designing a Moodie course.

From  Mark Boyle 0 likes 102 plays 0  

CC GMH_RM_C3W3_Heather_Keep your data clean

From  Eric Davies 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Moodle Offline Grading Workflow

How to download assignments for offline grading and upload feedback and grades to students in a zipped batch file, then import grades from Moodle gradebook to the Grade Capture and Aggregation Tool…

From  William Farquharson 0 likes 98 plays