14:55duration 14 minutes 55 seconds
Some things we have done about accessibility in…
Some things we have done about accessibility in maths and stats support at Coventry University, Yamuna Dass, Duncan Lawson & Alun Owen (Coventry University)
You can find a copy of the slides using the link…
02:55duration 2 minutes 55 seconds
Introduction to Mahara
An Introduction to Mahara
06:59duration 6 minutes 59 seconds
Learning Resource Library
This short video is looking at the Learning…
24:27duration 24 minutes 27 seconds
what's new in H5P
06:29duration 6 minutes 29 seconds
Moodle 4 overview
07:10duration 7 minutes 10 seconds
1.1 Student-Led Decolonising of the Infection…
1.1 Student-Led Decolonising of the Infection Biology Curricula by Nicola Veitch, Leighann Sherry, Lidia Errico, Zara Gatt
Decolonising the curriculum seeks to acknowledge…
01:25duration 1 minute 25 seconds
CaptureSpace Overview
Kaltura CaptureSpace combines painless recording,…