50:55duration 50 minutes 55 seconds
Organising Your Research (Dissertation Classes,…
Organising Your Research (Dissertation Classes, 2020-2021)
01:10:56duration 1 hour 10 minutes
T2GPostgrad Applying for PhDs
51:46duration 51 minutes 46 seconds
If, why, and how to publish with your PhD…
If, why, and how to publish with your PhD students by Professor Mia Perry and Dr Elizabeth Nelson
01:28:17duration 1 hour 28 minutes
What to consider when writing a book proposal and…
What to consider when writing a book proposal and an example of how to go about it
Presenters: Trevor Gale and Libby NelsonAimed at…
10:49duration 10 minutes 49 seconds
4.2 Quilting as a Method and Medium for…
4.2 Quilting as a Method and Medium for Anticolonial Acts: Assembling and Manifesting the Diverse Pasts, Presents and Futures of the School of Education by Lisa Bradley, Mindy Ptolomey
This lightning talk presents a current UofG…
13:16duration 13 minutes 16 seconds
3.3 Decolonising DMU and the PGR Experience by…
3.3 Decolonising DMU and the PGR Experience by Lucy Ansley
The Decolonising DMU project is an…