08:01duration 8 minutes 1 second
Maths in LaTeX and Word Documents: Two Case…
Maths in LaTeX and Word Documents: Two Case Studies to Improve Accessibility at UoAberdeen, Morgiane Richard and Eilidh Morrison (University of Aberdeen)
You can find a copy of the slides using the link…
14:55duration 14 minutes 55 seconds
Some things we have done about accessibility in…
Some things we have done about accessibility in maths and stats support at Coventry University, Yamuna Dass, Duncan Lawson & Alun Owen (Coventry University)
35:16duration 35 minutes 16 seconds
An Accessible Maths journey, Cordelia Webb…
An Accessible Maths journey, Cordelia Webb (University of Leeds), Natalie Curran (Glasgow) and Lilian Joy (University of York)
You can find a copy of the slides using the…
33:17duration 33 minutes 17 seconds
Seeking to improve the accessibility of maths and…
Seeking to improve the accessibility of maths and stats for visually impaired people, University of Glasgow