Search for tag: "knowledge"

T2G Postgrad Course Intro & 'Mastersness'

From  Clare Brown 0 likes 623 plays

Introduction to Being Critical

From  Mona O'Brien 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Transitioning to Academic Study @UofG

From  Mona O'Brien 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Academic Integrity and Avoiding Plagiarism

From  Mona O'Brien 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Fellowship Dialogues Session 1

From  Dustin Hosseini 0 likes 20 plays 0  

4.1 Co-creating Decolonial Geographics: Engaging with Cuerpo-Territorio In Class by Mariasole Pepa, Martina Angela Carretta

On the last day of the course on “Geographical space: concept, tools and practice” at the University of Padua held by Dr. Pepa, a diverse class of international students engaged with…

From  Colette Mair 0 likes 5 plays 0  

1.2 Decolonising the Curriculum: Can One Size Fill All? Stephany Veuger, Jenna Tudor

The Northumbria decolonising Network is an autonomous network working to effect transformational change across the University. Formed in 2020, we seek to examine the racialised hierarchies of power…

From  Colette Mair 0 likes 61 plays 0  

2.1 Decolonisation of Sociology at the University of Cape Town by Luqman Opeyemi Muraina

From 2015 onwards, the South African academy rearticulated conversations on epistemic decolonization vis-à-vis the #RhodesMustFall and other #MustFall uprisings. These conversations affirm…

From  Dustin Hosseini 0 likes 11 plays 0  

3.3 Decolonisation in the Alfred Denny Museum Teaching Museum by Emma Hughes, Rebecca Ford, Nicola Hemmings, Frane Babarovic, Gavin Thomas

In 2020, the University of Sheffield made a commitment to Decolonise the Curriculum as part of its Race Equality Action Plan. Within the School of Biosciences, a working group exists that aims to…

From  Dustin Hosseini 0 likes 10 plays 0  

1.1 Student-Led Decolonising of the Infection Biology Curricula by Nicola Veitch, Leighann Sherry, Lidia Errico, Zara Gatt

Decolonising the curriculum seeks to acknowledge and dismantle the way that imperialism and colonialism have shaped global education, with a focus on inclusion and visibility of a wider range of…

From  Dustin Hosseini 0 likes 24 plays 0  

AWSP Sci Moodle lecture 1 of 2

From  Scott Ramsay 0 likes 799 plays 0  

AWSP Sci Moodle lecture 2 of 2

From  Scott Ramsay 0 likes 516 plays 0